Wikipedia sagt, dass Resilienz die Fähigkeit ist, Krisen zu bewältigen.
Wie ein Stehaufmännchen lassen sich resiliente Menschen nicht von Lebenskrisen und Schicksalsschlägen unterkriegen, sondern sehen eher die Chance, die sich aus einer solchen Situation ergeben kann.
Ursprung des Wortes ist das lateinische Verb „resilire“, was so viel wie „zurückspringen“ oder „abprallen“ bedeutet.
Doch warum sind manche Menschen resilienter als andere? Warum ist für manche das Wasserglas immer halbvoll? Und für andere halbleer?
Wissenschaftliche Studien der letzten 50-70 Jahre haben ergeben, dass für eine gut ausgeprägte Resilienz folgende Faktoren relevant sind:
- emotionale Bindung zu mindestens einer Bezugsperson
- Akzeptanz und Achtung
- Unterstüztung und Anleitung
- Vorbilder für Problem- und Konfliktlösungen
- positive Erfahrungen mit Freunden.
Nun ergeben sich hieraus sicherlich 2 spannende Fragen:
- Wie resilient bin ich eigentlich?
- Kann ich noch resilienter werden?
Für beides gibt es Antworten. Wenn Sie Lust auf einen kurzen Test haben, in dem Sie herausfinden, wie es um Ihre Resilienz gestellt ist, senden Sie mir einfach eine Info zu und Sie erhalten den Test.
Hieraus ergeben sich höchstwahrscheinlich die einen oder anderen Lernfelder, die Ihnen dabei ein Wegweise sein können, noch widerstandsfähiger zu werden und Krisen zur Entwicklung zu nutzen.
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I see that your website may be missing out on approximately a thousand visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is tailored to enhance your site’s visibility:
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I noticed that your website might be missing out on approximately a thousand visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is tailored to increase your site’s visibility:
We’re offering a free trial that includes four thousand targeted visitors to show the potential benefits. After the trial, we can supply up to 250K targeted visitors per month. This solution could greatly enhance your website’s reach and visitors.
I noticed that your website might be missing out on approximately a thousand visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is tailored to boost your site’s visibility:
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I see that your website may be missing out on approximately 1K visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is tailored to increase your site’s visibility:
We’re offering a free trial that includes four thousand targeted visitors to show the potential benefits. After the trial, we can supply up to 250K targeted visitors per month. This opportunity could greatly increase your website’s reach and traffic.
I see that your website may be missing out on approximately 1,000 visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is tailored to enhance your site’s visibility:
We’re offering a free trial that includes four thousand targeted visitors to show the potential benefits. After the trial, we can supply up to 250K targeted visitors per month. This opportunity could greatly enhance your website’s reach and engagement.
I see that your website could be missing out on approximately 1K visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is tailored to enhance your site’s visibility:
We’re offering a free trial that includes four thousand targeted visitors to show the potential benefits. After the trial, we can supply up to 250K targeted visitors per month. This solution could greatly increase your website’s reach and engagement.
I saw that your website may be missing out on approximately 1K visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is tailored to boost your site’s visibility:
We’re offering a free trial that includes 4,000 targeted visitors to show the potential benefits. After the trial, we can supply up to 250,000 targeted visitors per month. This service could greatly amplify your website’s reach and visitors.
I see that your website could be missing out on approximately 1,000 visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is tailored to boost your site’s visibility:
We’re offering a free trial that includes 4,000 targeted visitors to show the potential benefits. After the trial, we can supply up to 250,000 targeted visitors per month. This service could greatly increase your website’s reach and engagement.
I see that your website may be missing out on approximately a thousand visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is tailored to boost your site’s visibility:
We’re offering a free trial that includes 4,000 targeted visitors to show the potential benefits. After the trial, we can supply up to 250,000 targeted visitors per month. This opportunity could greatly increase your website’s reach and traffic.